Affittacamere B&B Venezia Casa Favaretto Guest House

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Our Guest House is located in Castello area, at the first floor of a building overlooking the San Marco basin. From our House you can easily walk to the major places of interest such as Piazza San Marco, Rialto bridge, Campo San Giovanni e Paolo, San Pietro di Castello, Arsenale, Biennale Gardens and Morosini Naval College.
If you prefer to use public transport for more extensive tours; from the nearby Arsenale vaporetto stop you can visit the islands of Murano (with its glassworks), Burano (with its lace and colorful houses), Torcello, San Giorgio and the Lido beach. Furthermore, from the same vaporetto stop there are connections with Marco Polo airport, Santa Lucia train station, Tronchetto (parking, Flixbus, Terminal cruises) and with Piazzale Roma (bus station and parking).
If you want to walk away from the crowds, you can cross the Veneta Marina bridge and reach the nearby Via Garibladi: a long street where you can still breathe the most authentic soul of Venice. Here you will find grocery stores, pharmacies, pizzerias and our bàcari (typical Venetian taverns) where you can enjoy a tasty cicchetto (tapas) with a fresh spritz.
RIO THERRA Srl - Castello, 2146 - 30122 Venezia - Italy Tel.: +39 331 933 3329 - C.F. e P.I. 05500920284
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